Corporate Social Responsibility
Life, Health, and Technology
Environmental Safety
Sinphar abides by occupational safety and health related regulations as well as OHSAS 18001 international standards. Upholding our philosophy of risk prevention and full participation, Sinphar is committed to continuous improvements for the sake of building a safe and healthy workplace for its employees.
We are dedicated to working with our employees in building and maintaining an occupational safety and health management system to strengthen independent management and continue to improve occupational safety and health performance. Subsequently, occupational risk is lowered to protect employee safety and health and thereby fulfill the needs of our stakeholders, including the government, customers, and employees.
目To date, the following items have passed OHSAS 18001 occupational safety and health management system inspection by BSI Taiwan:
- According to the safety and health risks and size of our activities and our commitment in continuous health and safety improvements, Sinphar plans to eliminate or reduce occupational health and safety risks employees and our other stakeholders are potentially exposed to during organizational activities.
- Sinphar is committed to complying with government laws and other regulatory requirements and continuously improving and implementing accident prevention tasks.
- Sinphar provides a framework in which to establish occupational safety and health goals and performs safety and health risk assessments by actively seeking employee cooperation and communication.
To protect employee safety and health, implement risk management, and attain corporate sustainable management goals, Sinphar is committed to achieving the following:
Providing a safe, healthy, comfortable R&D environment to prevent exposing employees to physical and mental health risks during their work operations.
Inspecting and monitoring the environment to effectively protect employees against exposure to, contact with, and inhaling hazardous substances during their work operations.
Strictly adhering to safety and health regulations and fulfill corporate social responsibilities.
Educating employees and suppliers on safety and health concepts to prevent risks and occupational injuries.
Publicly propagandizing our occupational safety and health policies and measures to establish a trust relationship with our employees, customers, employers, social groups, government agencies, and stakeholders.
Protecting employee safety and health is the main responsibility and obligation of managers of varying levels. In addition, managers should encourage employees to provide safety and health-related suggestions in order to maintain a good communication channel between company executives and employees.